Psychotherapists / Psychologists / Coaches


Our team

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Advises the military and their family members

Lesja Doskuch

Psychologist, coach.

Work experience 4 years.

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Advises the military and their family members

Olena Letyak


Works in a humanistic approach.Advises adults and children from 5 years.

Work experience 11 years.

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Advises the military and their family members

Tatyana Pupynina

Psychologist, crisis psychologist.

Works in a cognitive-behavioral approach, using the techniques of schema therapy and mindfulness

Work experience 11 years.

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Advises the military and their family members

Olena Nesterchuk


Works in the method of CBT, psychoanalysis and art therapy.

Advises adults, children and married couples.

Work experience 4 years.

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Advises the military and their family members

Yana Grebyonkina

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, ACC ICF coach

Works in the method of cognitive-behavioral therapy with adults.

Work experience 5 years.

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Advises the military and their family members

Ольга Черевань

Психологиня, психотерапевтка.

Працює у гештальт підході.

Досвід роботи - більше 5 років.

Гештальт терапія
Advises the military and their family members

Наталія Бережко


Працює у когнітивно-поведінковому підході, транзактний аналіз, ЕМДР.

Консультує  дорослих та підлітків з 12 років.

Досвід роботи — 5 років.

Військових та членів їх родин
Когнітивно-поведінкова терапія (КПТ)
Підлітків (12-18 років)
Транзактний аналіз

Healthy Lifestyle

Advises the military and their family members

Viktoriia Nagaitseva


My mission is to help you eat balanced and healthy. My approach is based on scientific research and an individual approach to each client.

Work experience 3 years.


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Консультує військових і членів їх родин

Polina Aleksandrova

Financial Consultant,

Helps with increasing financial literacy, budget management, audit of own finances, investments, formation of financial goals, legislative framework.

Work experience 5 years

Консультант з фінансів
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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.



Yevhen Suprun

Lead Client Partner

Karina Samoilenko

Client Partner

Polina Obidina

Service Partner

Yana Spig


Anastasiia Korolyuk